Henry Jaglom’s The M Word centers on Moxie, an actress appearing on a children’s show that airs on a financially struggling local TV station in L.A. When word comes that they will be getting a new boss whose plan is to start slashing the station’s budget,
Moxie becomes the leader of a group of women who want their demands met by the new corporate overlord. Moxie gets unexpected support from the older women in her family, but her relationship with her longtime boyfriend is forever altered by her activism.


The film features a superb ensemble cast headed by the brilliant Tanna Frederick, an extremely versatile and adorable actress who can play absolutely ANYTHING and whose comedic skills are on full display here!

Ms. Frederick’s gift for juggling farce, fantasy and raw emotion remains impressive!

Tanna Frederick delivers one of her best performances here; she remains the bravest actress of this generation, a wonder to behold!

Frederick gives a performance that is funny, energetic, inspired, and more than a little emotionally resonant.